・ご本人も、2月17日まで ウクライナで生活されていたが、紛争の1週間前にルーマニアへ引っ越し
・学校・教育の問題 : ルーマニアへ避難してきた先生と子供たちをマッチングするサービスもあるが、難しい問題も発生している
・受け入れている避難民の家族の話:現在お母さんは、オンラインで仕事をしている。 キーウ(キエフ)が比較的安全になってきているので、月末にウクライナへの帰国を検討し始めた。
・キーウに戻る方がこの数日で増加している。 一方で、5月9日はロシアの第二次世界大戦の戦勝日のお祭りがあるので、何かが起こるのではないかと不安。
Support Ukraine holds an online meeting every Thursday at 20:00 (Japan time).
This time, we spoke with a woman who is supporting Ukrainian refugees in Romania.
-She also lived in Ukraine until February 17, but moved to Romania one week before the conflict.
-Her husband was working at an international organization, but was suspended due to the military invasion. The person is working online
-Problems of refugees (evacuated to Romania): language, culture, cost of stay, work, etc.
-The problem is that it is uncertain how long the current situation will continue.
-In large Romanian cities, the number of places to stay is limited. if they go to rural areas, problems with work and transportation come up.
-In Romania, there are many people who can speak English because it is Latin-speaking, but it is often difficult to speak Ukrainian or Russian.
-As the evacuation period becomes longer, finding new jobs at the evacuation site and problems with children's schools are becoming apparent.
-School / education issues: There is a service that matches teachers and children who have evacuated to Romania, but there are also difficult issues.
-Although there are cases where Ukraine is accessing Ukraine online from Romania, problems with textbooks, communication equipment, communication speed, etc. are beginning to surface.
-Family stories of refugees accepting: Mom is currently working online. She began to consider returning to Ukraine at the end of the month as Kyiv is becoming relatively safe.
-The number of people returning to Kyiv has increased in the last few days. On the other hand, May 9th is the festival of Russia's World War II victory day, so I'm worried that something will happen.
-In Romania, there has been a tendency for labor shortages, so there is an active movement to hire Ukrainians. However, there is a language problem.
-People who cannot work live on savings.